The Melrose Trolley Trestle

As I was building my map of the Connecticut Central Railroad for our last blog, I stumbled upon an abandoned right of way that was too interesting to not share! More accurately, a trestle of the Hartford and Springfield Street Railway that once ran over the former Melrose Station on the Connecticut Central Line. ( Present-day satellite view ) The interurban line ran from Windsor Locks, CT to Rockville, CT along what is mostly present day CT-140 and CT-83. Melrose Trolley Trestle in the foreground with the Melrose Station in the background. University of Connecticut Archives. The bridge is described as follows by Cecil Donahue in East Windsor, " The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad tracks running through Melrose hindered a trolley line to Rockville. A 500-foot-long trestle, known as a "roller coaster” trestle, was installed to span the tracks, and on May 20, 1906, the Rockville line was open. Although the trestle was of lightweight construction, built by the Be...